
The following errors and corrections have been discovered in the Guide to the Hiking Routes of Grasslands National Park. The Guide book is available from the Old Schoolhouse Gift Shop in Val Marie, Saskatchewan. This is not an exhaustive list of the errors in this book, but simply the ones I have discovered. Other users of Grasslands National Park are free to suggest other entries to me. These errors aside, the Guide book still remains a valuable resource as you experience the back country of Grasslands National Park.




70 Mile Butte Hike

p. 5: Hike Description

"...until you come to the marker directing you southeast towards the Sleeping Lion Butte."

The marker is missing. The butte is illustrated on p. 6 of the Guide and can't be missed from the fence line.

p. 9: Global Positioning System Navigation (NAD 83) Table

Northing Coordinate for Sleeping Lion marker should be 5,452,258.

This coordinate corresponds to a coulee that doesn't need to be crossed. As long as you are walking along the fence line, you shouldn't need any coordinates.

p. 9: Global Positioning System Navigation (NAD 83) Table

The reference to the "Top of 70 Mile Butte" landmark is actually the coordinates for the head of the Sleeping Lion Butte

Top of 70 Mile Butte is at GPS coordinates 306,773 Easting and 5,452,559 Northing.

North Gillespie Hike

p. 29: Getting to North Gillespie

"Bypassing the ranch yard..."

You actually turn south just before entering the ranch yard and head up a hill on a dirt path.

p. 29: Getting to North Gillespie

"You will find a Parks Canada marker on the west (right) side..."

The "Parks Canada" marker consists of a weathered single fence post about 5' high. There is no signage or pull-out. There may be the remains of an overgrown track leading west. Use the GPS coordinates to find the trailhead instead.

p. 30: Hike Outline

"road west to former fenceline..."

Someone want to tell me how to follow a "former" fenceline that isn't there anymore? Use your compass or GPS to travel due west from the trailhead.

p. 34: Global Positioning System Navigation (NAD 83) Table

"Hike beginning and ending"

According to my GPS, the coordinates should be Easting 337,537 and Northing 5,441,634, about 100 m different from the Guide.

p. 34: Global Positioning System Navigation (NAD 83) Table

The ridge overlooking Little Breed Creek has no GPS entry

The viewpoint at Little Breed Ridge is at 334,292/5,443,356

Map insert between p. 34 and 35

UTM Coordinate Grid is not correct.

Even when comparing the GPS coordinates given in the book with the map, the grid is 1,000 m too low in its Easting, and about 100-200 m too low in its Northing. For GPS coordinates, use the table on p. 34 instead. When using the map, take bearings with a compass instead.

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